so i got a cat. that's right: i got a cat. she's supposed to eat the rats. it's a big job. yesterday one of the cooks brought her to me in a bag.... i never thought i'd get a cat in a bag, but it's haiti! anyhow, angela and all the rest of the kids have a name that they call each other and basically anything and it's "zimbolo." when she asked me what the cat's name was i just thought, "zimbolo" and said it to her. she was so excited! everyone loves to say the cat's name because they are all so happy that i named her that. (pronounced "zeem bo lo" stress on "bo")
I hope she earns her keep!
Go Zimbolo! Eat rats!
Here's a tip for you... you might want to lose the plate of food. Zimbolo will eat more.
I can't get over how much she looks like my first cat!
Well Jonas has three cats waiting for him here. No rats mind you,spider crickets yes, rats no. but lots of purring!!!!
Good luck with the rats! And Jeremy, with cats it doesn't matter how much food they get, if they see a rat scurring around they will chase it and catch it and bat it around till it dies , just for fun!!!
Yes, but I'm not satisfied with dead... I would prefer they clean up after themselves.
Jeremy...that's just gross!!!
That cat will be my best friend if it catches rats!! Of course, you will need to fatten it up a little, I've seen rats in Haiti bigger than that little thing!
Jeremy, I'm gonna guess you don't like cats?
Think of it this way. Your wife is sleeping real CLOSE to the floor where those rats are. Dead is still better than them scurring around or ON your wife!!!!
OK, yes, dead is better than them scurring around, but dead and gone is even better than that. And as my friend Forrest says, "That's all I'm gonna say about that."
well friends, i have to say that i don't like cats... but i like them so much more than rats. we're working on making it understand that this is it's home so she stays around.
I like cats and I HATE rats so it's a win-win situation for me!!!! When I was there, I had to wear my headphones at night just so I couldn't hear the rats.
Ew Yuck! Go Zimbolo!!
Thanks for the new pix of Zimbolo.
She looks like a great ratter!
Lean, mean, alert, and ready for a nice rat dinner!
I've heard of the cat in the hat but never (before Zimbolo) of the cat in the bag.
Actually, maybe I have but they always said not to let the cat out of the bag!
Now I know.
If you let the cat out of the bag she will eat rats!
Go Zimbolo!
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